Awaken in the Now

Mindfulness Counseling and Resources

Mindfulness Based Counseling

We live in incredibly challenging times and now more than ever it is essential to be grounded in a peaceful state despite the chaos in the world. The good news is that within each one of us there exists a deep place of stillness, peace and freedom which can be called the heart. If we learn to focus our attention inward rather than constantly attending to our outer experience we begin to feel the peace, clarity and love of our true being.

The practice of mindfulness, attending to the feeling-sense of presence and intentionally directing our attention within through self-inquiry are the methods by which we can ground ourselves in the heart and find real peace and happiness right now. This is s stable form of peace that cannot be effected by ones experiences or the external world. Realizing this allows one to walk through the world just as it is without fear and dispair. To be a beacon of hope and compassion amidst the craziness, which is just what is needed today!

This service is an offering to the community and is given by donation as I do not do it primarily for pay. I ask that those I work with make a donation based on what they can afford and how beneficial they feel the engagement was for them.

Offered via zoom, phone, text or in person meet up (in Bellingham, WA)

Offered by Donation

Take a mindfulness break right now! Select a time below. One bell to start. Take a few deep breaths and let go of any tension. If you notice feelings or thoughts just let them be there and stay aware of your breath. Three bells to end.

Mindfulness Break

Enter a time in minutes


about colin

My personal practice of mindfulness and meditation for the last 35 years has included study in the Zen tradition of Buddhism and the path of Advaita Vedanta from the Indian Tradition.

My work with people is also supported by a masters degree in psychology and many years of group process work as well as my experience in the mental health field.

The intention in offering this service is about sharing the powerful experience of peace and stability that exists at the center or heart of each one of us. If we know how to access this inner space of peace, we can become aware of our true self which enables us to let go of fear and anxiety, find clarity and live a more joyful empowered and fulfilling life.

When you consider the dysfunctionality of our society today it comes down to the state of mind of each person that makes it up. If we are miserable, fearful, depressed and disempowered our society will reflect that state. Getting in touch with the place of peace and freedom within is how we contribute to a new society which is heart based rather than fear based. We must each do this for ourselves rather than wait for it to happen externally, it is up to us!

© 2025 | Colin Bondi & Awaken in the Now